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Mar 5, 2024

Le parcours de recrutement : La perspective d'un candidat

The recruitment process is an important phase in a professional's career. It's a journey filled with opportunities, challenges, and crucial decisions both for the candidates and the recruiters. Understanding this process from the candidate's perspective helps companies to better their strategies and supports candidates in navigating their career paths effectively.

Job Search and Application

As we all know, this is the moment where potential employers are being identified by the candidates. Naturally, they will often focus on companies that align with their career goals and values. Job boards, company websites, and professional networks like LinkedIn are key resources at this stage.

Tips for companies : Make sure your job openings are up to date and that enough information is being shared with your potential hires! Employer Branding is key, today more than ever before. This involves showcasing your unique selling points (USPs) prominently to differentiate your company from competitors.

Tips for the candidate : while Applying, what you want is a resume that aligns with the job description ! Believe us, It can be a real game changer. Of course, do not lie ; tend to highlight relevant experiences, skills, and accomplishments to elevate your chances!

CV scannings

Once the application is done, recruiters have a tendency to scan CVs very quickly. Sometimes, way to rapidly! As unfortunate as it might be, it is a reality that candidates have to take in consideration. This point emphasizes what was said previously : as a candidate, you have to make sure the information on your resume are easily accessible and correlates with the job description.

Key Insight: According to a LinkedIn report, 72% of hiring managers believe custom-tailored resumes are very influential in their decision-making process.

Screening and Interviews

After a first selection, recruiters will likely take their phones and call their selected applicants to assess candidate’s qualifications and motivation for the role. This stage is often a source of stress for candidates, especially when they are not aware of the time of the call. It is the stage where main points are being talked about like clarification on the job description and salary expectations.

As this stage might be a little scary at first, it is mandatory for recruiters to consider each candidates well being by creating a fluid conversation rather than an interrogatory. One of our recruiters testifies that several candidates shared being pleasantly surprised of the transparency of the process at all stages here at Key4Nova, compares to other companies where they felt less consideration on their well-being.

Interviews :

If the first stage was concluent, interviews often follows : These can range from behavioral interviews to technical assessments, depending on the position.

At this stage, preparation is key. Candidates who proactively research the company and prepare questions in advance tend to capture their interviewer's attention more effectively.

While Interviews represent an essential stage in the recruitment cycle, depending on the companies, the amount of them can vary significantly.

Data Point: A survey by Glassdoor found that the average interview process in the U.S. takes about 23 days. For Europe as a whole, the average interview process length can range from 24 to 38 days. This duration is influenced by factors like the nature of the job, the number of interview rounds, and the decision-making process within the company. European hiring processes are generally meticulous, reflecting the high value placed on work experience and cultural fit within organizations.

Final Evaluation and Job Offer

Recruiters and hiring managers review interview performances, skills and assessments checks to make their final decision. Successful candidates receive a job offer, which includes details about salary, benefits, and other terms of employment. Candidates review the offer, considering factors like career growth, company culture, and work-life balance.

Candidates can negotiate aspects of the offer, such as salary or flexible working arrangements. It's important to approach this diplomatically and with clear justification, especially when these points were discussed before proposition.

Acceptance and Onboarding

Once an agreement is reached, candidates formally accept the offer and begin the onboarding process.

Statistic: According to a study by Robert Half, 55% of professionals tried to negotiate a higher salary with their last job offer.

There are periods when candidates have more or less negotiating power. In recent years, candidates had significant leverage and often renegotiated their salaries with their current employers, a practice that can be seen as short-term thinking. However, it is anticipated that this situation will balance out in the following year. Another significant aspect revealed by the study is the importance of salary transparency. Over half of the hiring managers acknowledge that including salary information in job postings helps attract qualified candidates and streamlines the interview process. Conversely, 63% of workers would withdraw their application if salary ranges are not provided upon request, emphasizing the increasing demand for pay transparency in the hiring process.

During the onboarding, the focus shifts to integrating into the new role, which includes understanding the company's processes, culture, and expectations. The importance of a well-structured onboarding process in employee retention cannot be overstated. A comprehensive onboarding program is crucial for retention, engagement and long-term success.

At Key4Nova, maximizing transparent communication is integral to our service. As part of our commitment, we conduct follow-ups for six months, positioning us as a strong mediator in the process.


The recruitment journey is a multifaceted process that requires careful consideration and strategic planning from both candidates and recruiters. By understanding each stage and utilizing data-driven insights, both parties can navigate this journey more effectively, leading to successful and fulfilling employment relationships.

Coming next on our page: Tips for candidates!

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