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Human Resources
Aug 29, 2024

Consistency and Discipline: Keys to a Successful Career Transition.

In today's working world, it is not uncommon to encounter professionals who, after establishing a solid career, decide to change direction. This change may seem bold, even risky, but it is often driven by a deep desire to find greater satisfaction in alignment with personal and professional aspirations.

Many can feel trapped in their current careers, convinced that the number of years of experience they have already accumulated prevents them from following their true desires. But could it be that career transitions are more accessible than we believe?

Career Change: More Than Just a Professional Move

A career change is not just a professional repositioning; it is an act of courage, a quest for meaning. Consistency and discipline are, in our view, the key words for success.

When a lack of alignment is felt at work, it often results in demotivation, poor performance, and general dissatisfaction. While some can adapt to their situation, others feel the urgent need not to live with regrets: "What if I had dared? What if I had acted?"

Taking Action: A Blend of Discipline and Faith

At Key4Nova, we firmly believe in the principle "Hire for attitude, train for aptitude."

Indeed, while technical skills (hard skills) can be acquired over time and experience, behavioural skills (soft skills) are often more challenging to change. Although some roles are more accessible than others, with proper training, consistency, and dedication, even our most ambitious goals tend to become more attainable.

The Importance of Discipline

Wanting to change is one thing, but having the means to do so is another. It is well known that there is a gap between theory and practice. So, where are the necessary resources? What does it require?

It requires, first and foremost, determination. While researching and gathering information are important, the real key is taking deliberate, consistent action over time.

Many candidates we have interviewed have shared their sometimes atypical journeys, moving from one sector to another. This often requires companies to trust motivated profiles to join their teams and this trust is often rewarded.

Believing in the potential of candidates is a major asset, allowing them to evolve and, consequently, fostering loyalty to the company.

And you ?

Have you ever thought about making a transition to a different sector? Or perhaps, have you ever given a candidate the opportunity to do so?