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Mar 5, 2024

Why some companies succeed better than others (in their HR process)

Companies all pass through the same processes during their development : Hiring.
This step is key for its foundation and long-term vision. That is why, executing it with the right approach can really change it all. Not only in terms of numbers, but in terms of speed, quality and Investment.

In this article, we will explore how and why adapting these changes can be crucial.

Let’s start with some numbers ;

According to APEC data, the recruitment process for an executive took nearly 12 weeks in 2023, an increase from 11 weeks in 2021 and 9 weeks in 2020.

It’s getting longer and candidates, who beneficiate from the market tending in their favor for the last years, might not in the coming ones but for more insights on this topic, we invite you to read our article “2024 : What lies ahead?”.

The length

In the Lifesciences and pharmaceuticals industry, the average time between the job posting to hiring can be extended depending on the required skills. As of recent data, filling non-executive positions in this sector goes around 105 days so around 3 months.

Comparatively, over the last five years, there has been a noticeable trend towards longer hiring times, due to factors like digital transformation, increased demand for technical skills and a more competitive global talent market.

When it comes to executive positions, it’s understood that hiring times for such roles are typically longer due to the need for a highly specialized skill set, extensive experience and the crucial nature of these roles in guiding company strategy and operations.

Candidates’ motivation

Due to a high demand from companies, candidates are often in contact with several ones at the same time which can lead them to a lot of interviews and appointments.

When considering a new professional challenge, candidates are not only looking for interesting tasks in their day to day activities. They are seeking a company culture that aligns with their vision and values. Yes, even if the function for which they are in process for interest them, it does not secure a signature. That is why, the recruitment process matter so much. It is during this essential step that their choice will be defined.

Emotional support is crucial in between each step of the hiring process. This optimizes time and can make the difference.

Depending on the function, they will have to meet several people, maybe do assessments and wait for the final decision of the company. As HR experts, it is our role to assure that their motivation stays persistent during these steps to ensure a qualitative onboarding and long-term success.

How ? By keeping them informed, by being transparent and consistent in our approach. Each candidate is unique and has its own needs and preferences in terms of communication. Adapting to each one personally has its importance but at the end of the day, what matters is truly to keep a fluid communication going.

Communication ; a real game changer.

To present the importance of this point concretely, here is a testimony from one of our consultant ;

“I was in process with a very good candidate for an important function. This candidate was not in process with other companies, he actually appreciated his current one but was curious about what we could propose him. When things started to get more concrete with our client, he decided to back-up and stops the recruitment process. I could have stop there and thank him from his time, but instead I’ve decided to call him and I’ve invited him to discuss with our client, to not miss a possible great opportunity. He accepted and is now working for them for several months already”

This personal anecdote highlight perfectly the importance of communication and consistency.

Being close to our candidates is of major importance, it strengthens their trust towards us and our client and extends their motivation.


When recruiting, considering our candidate’s emotions and perspective is key.
When their motivation decreases, there is always a possibility to make it rise again unless they have decided to move on with another company or if too much time has passed and that their trust has been broken. This signs a point of non-return.

Before this happens, it is the role of hiring managers and companies like Key4Nova to ensure a qualitative service and to maintain their motivation.

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